Article ID: CRIORG.article.004
v3.0, final version (post scribe)
Published: Sunday, May 15th 2022
Batat, Erez

Article 004: The Human Operating System
Evidence pointing to the existence of a hidden “code” that generates human consciousness


This article outlines a mental experiment that can be performed by the reader to detect the existence of a mental mechanism that generates human consciousness. The results of this mental exercise serve as evidence as to the existence of an “operating system” (a logical set of empiric metaphysical laws) that governs and enables our perception of reality as humans.

The mental exercise described in this article allows us to distinguish between two functionally distinct components of the metaphysical human mind – one that generates our perception of time, and one that generates our perception of space. The exercise demonstrates how the union of these two parts results in a unified mental perception of reality to which we call ‘consciousness’. The exercise also identifies the objectively-empiric difference in the way these two distinct parts of our mind functions, as well as point to their unique relationship to time.

Specifically, the article distinguishes between “thoughts” (mental narrative) and “imagination” (mental senses), and lists three objective differences between them. It then names two to different mental components (the two minds) that create our perception of reality – the ACTIVUMENTIS and the PASSIVUMENTIS.

This article validates the truthfulness of theories 003.1, 003.2, 003.3, and 003.4[1]. The scientific principles guiding this mental observation are listed in article 002[2]. This article also introduces theory [004.1]: The polarized structure of the metaphysical mind. The article then lists evidence that support this theory, as well as some of its particle implications.


[2] articles are usually free; we believe that it is the birthright of every human to know how the human mind operates. To download all 10 articles included in Consciousness Polarization Theory as one file, click here.